On Thursday 11 March the Chambers Executive Officer, Bronwyn McLeod presented February Customer Award Certificate to Natacha Clark.
Natacha is a career consultant with Worklink and has been providing an amazing service to the local community for the past 7 months, supporting and empowering individuals to apply for and secure employment, training and education. Natacha has received overwhelming positive feedback both from individuals and organisations in the Esperance Community.
Natacha was asked what her job at Worklink involved and her primary objective is to offer career guidance. This consists of creating or updating resumes, helping with Cover Letters and answering the Selection Criteria correctly. Natacha goes over and above by referring people to jobs, but this is not actually part of her job description.
Asked what the best part of her job was, and Natacha had no hesitation in replying that it was helping people to achieve a happy and successful outcome, especially clients who are socially and financially disadvantaged, again going above and beyond.
Receiving this certificate means a lot to Natacha and she would like to thank the people who nominated her for this Customer Service Award and for appreciating what she does.
Another business nominated for the February award was Esperance Plumbing Service who give exceptional service.
Natacha is now eligible to win the Customer Service Person for the Year. Congratulations Natacha.