Sponsorship is a critical fuel behind the ECCI, and we are fortunate to have one of the best in the business behind us when it comes to energy provision. In this Sponsor Spotlight, ECCI Silver Sponsor Esperance Power Station share updates on their business direction and work in the local community.
Esperance Power Station (EPS) is part of the Esperance Power Project, and has a strong record of delivering safe and reliable energy to the region. The station is powered by natural gas, however it also buys all available wind power from the nearby wind farms for use in the Esperance town and region. A current key focus for the team is developing the opportunity to immediately increase the amount of renewable generation, while maintaining reliability of supply through the natural gas power plant.
Speaking with EPS, it is clear that they are committed to providing benefit back to the local community. Esperance Area Manager, Wynand Ferreira, explained that from the outset, the Esperance Power Project and its related entities (Esperance Pipeline Company Pty Ltd and Esperance Gas Distribution Company Pty Ltd) have used local engineering companies for support on the pipeline and the gas distribution businesses.
ESP have recently renewed their sponsorship of the ECCI over a 3 year term, and have been a sponsor the local small business awards for more than ten years. “Our sponsorship of the Esperance Chamber of Commerce is driven by our aims to support local industry, business and the community. We are committed to working with and supporting local suppliers wherever possible to create local job opportunities and strengthen the local economy.”
As part of this focus, EPS shared that they have also made a range of significant contributions to the Esperance community since they commenced operations in 2004. These include:
- Supplying free gas to the Bay of Isles Leisure Centre for the last 15 years, which has contributed over $3 million to the local community;
- Building the low-pressure reticulation system in Esperance in 2006, which provide natural gas to 400 residential and business customers including local homes, the Esperance hospital, the Esperance port, leisure centre, hotels and grain handlers.
- EPS is Australian owned and (indirectly) employs ten staff locally in Esperance.
ECCI would like to thank the team at EPS for their ongoing support of the Chamber and their commitment to supporting local business.
