Converge Speakers

Converge Esperance is delighted to announce Steven Bradbury as a keynote speaker for Converge Esperance!
Steven is Australia’s First Winter Olympic Gold Medallist and a renowned Australian motivational speaker. His career as an Olympic speed skater was driven by determination and most importantly - a will to succeed.
With the same passion he showed on the ice, Steven has continued his success as a motivational speaker, sharing his experiences from both business and sport, to inspire and help people to succeed in business and in life, and to overcome adversity and achieve their goals.
Steven will share his insights on how success takes passion, persistence and teamwork and how much of the prize is in the journey.
Converge Esperance is delighted to announce Aaron Morey as a keynote speaker for Converge Esperance!
Aaron is the Chief Economist at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA, leading CCIWA’s economic reform and advocacy agenda.
Prior to joining CCIWA in 2020, Aaron was the principal economic and commercial advisor to the former WA Treasurer, Ben Wyatt, working on complex policy issues such as GST, asset sales and major governance and economic policy reforms.
As a senior economist at the Productivity Commission, Aaron led economic policy development and public inquiries into key issues affecting business and industry in Australia including workforce regulation, intellectual property and infrastructure.
At Converge Esperance, Aaron will share his insights on the Western Australian economy, the emerging macro-economic trends influencing business and industry right now and the unique opportunities and challenges facing the business sector.

Announcing Kitty Prodonovich as Master of Ceremonies (MC) for Converge Esperance on 1 November 2024.
Kitty is CEO of the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry of WA and a strong advocate for regional small business.
Having owned businesses in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Kitty is a former President of both the RCCIWA and the Kalgoorlie-Boulder CCI and former Board Chair of the Small Business Development Corporation.
Kitty currently sits on the General Council of CCIWA and is a non – executive Director on the Board of Keystart Home Loans and the Country Housing Authority.
As an experienced host for State and regional events, we’re delighted to have Kitty bring her engaging and inspirational style to MC at Converge Esperance.
Converge Esperance is delighted to announce Neil O’Sullivan, Founder Nimbus Co. as a guest speaker for Converge 2024.
Neil O’Sullivan is a proud Irish/Australian dad, husband and wellness entrepreneur.
Neil is a subject matter expert and thought leader in all thing’s wellness, preventative healthcare, sports and mental health and is the founder of one of Australia’s leading preventative wellness brands, Nimbus Co.
Neil hails from 17+ years’ experience across experiential marketing, public relations and communications, and more recently advertising and branded content where he led US TV broadcast network CBS’s Asia Pacific digital marketing portfolio and its branded content division, as senior director for five years.
Neil’s track record also boasts a successful semi-professional soccer career of 12 years in NSW’s National Premier League, and has co-founded and chaired two mental health charities and a hit podcast ‘These Lads Are Mental.’
We are delighted to welcome Neil to Esperance for Converge 2024.

Announcing Jenn Donovan, marketing strategist, best selling author and founder of Social Media Marketing Australia.
Jenn Donovan is renowned for making small business simple, and understands the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a business in a rural and regional area – being a rural girl herself.
Her passion for community and local small business is evident in every project she undertakes, including her latest bestselling book Small Town Big Impact.
She is the founder of @BuyFromaBushBusiness, globally successful podcast, Small Business Made Simple and an original co-founder of @SpendWithUsMarketplace.
With a keen eye for strategy and a heart full of genuine care, Jenn is a no-nonsense, fluff free marketer and someone you definitely want to know in business.
We are delighted to welcome Jenn to Esperance for Converge 2024.
Announcing Annabelle Hender, Tourism Development Manager, Australia's Golden Outback.
Annabelle is a recent addition to the Esperance community, having relocated from Port Lincoln in early 2024 to take on the role of Esperance Tourism Development Manager.
Employed by Australia's Golden Outback, in collaboration with the Shire of Esperance, Annabelle’s role focuses on supporting initiatives that drive sustainable development of the tourism sector.
With over 20 years’ experience in the tourism industry Annabelle’s career has spanned several locations across Australia and overseas.
Annabelle has a passion for sustainability and leveraging tourism as a force for good; a purpose inspired by her lived experience in the Solomon Islands and academic pursuits which include a Masters in Sustainable Tourism, Bachelor of Cultural Tourism, and research on whale shark tourism.
We are delighted to have Annabelle for Converge 2024!

Converge Esperance is delighted to Ray Achemedei, Executive General Manager, Horizon Power, as a Guest Speaker at Converge 2024!
Ray has a real passion for developing and executing IT strategies in alignment with business objectives. He has worked in Australia and United Kingdom, and held senior IT roles over the last 20 years’ specifically in the Mining Resources Sector with the likes of Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Iluka Resources, CITIC Pacific Mining, Fortescue Metals, Oakajee Port & Rail and Crosslands Resources.
He has an established record as a leader and business partner able to collaborate with executives and senior managers to develop, plan and execute technology and change management strategies to deliver benefits and improve general business and operational performance
He brings significant experience in the planning, selection and implementation of numerous Automation, MES and Corporate solutions to support the business transformation and operational management and execution activities objectives of various organisations.
Ray holds a Bachelor of Business with a double major in Information Processing and Information Systems.
We are delighted to welcome Ray for Converge 2024!
Announcing Michael Deller, Senior Cultural Tourism Specialist, FORM as a Guest Speaker for Converge 2024!
Michael is a Senior Cultural Tourism Specialist at not-for-profit arts and cultural organization FORM Building a State of Creativity. He loves showcasing the stories of artists, communities, and regional areas alike through creativity, storytelling and tourism.
Michael is currently leading community engagement for a potential Sculpture Trail in Esperance. Prior to joining FORM, he has over 12 years hands-on experience working in the Western Australian tourism sector throughout the state including Perth, the South-West, Coral Coast, Pilbara, the West and East Kimberley, as well as a stint in the Red Centre in Alice Springs and Uluru.
With a background as an owner of multiple small businesses, he brings a practical approach to helping communities celebrate and share their stories in impactful ways.
We are delighted to welcome Michael for Converge 2024!

Converge Esperance is delighted to announce Tim Connoley, Director, URBIS as a Guest Speaker at Converge 2024!
Tim is passionate about developing solutions to complex city and region shaping problems and projects. He does this with his intimate knowledge of the development sector, the local economic landscape, global trends and best practice benchmarks.
Tim has an extensive background in economic development and commercial advisory, and is an urban economics lead at Urbis.
He has supported economic and industry development across regional Australia, including Esperance, for government, industry and not for profit clients.
We look forward to welcoming Tim to Esperance for Converge 2024.
Announcing David Eaton, Western Australia’s Small Business Commissioner and CEO of the Small Business Development Corporation as a guest speaker for Converge Esperance 2024!
David Eaton is Western Australia’s Small Business Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC). In this dual role, he is responsible for the broad range of services delivered by the SBDC to support Western Australian small businesses, and representing the interests of the sector to all tiers of government.
David is the longest serving Small Business Commissioner in Australia and has extensive business management experience. He holds a master's in business administration (UWA), is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), and a Board member of the Australian Institute of Management (WA) and Curtin University Law School.
David was awarded a Public Service Medal in the 2023 Australia Day Honours list for outstanding service to small business development, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are delighted to welcome David to Converge 2024!

Announcing David Eaton, Western Australia’s Small Business Commissioner and CEO of the Small Business Development Corporation as a guest speaker for Converge Esperance 2024!
Boyd Brown, Regional General Manager for Telstra WA, will present on Telstra’s telecommunications major projects and planned upgrades for the Esperance region at the Converge business and industry event on 1 November.
Telecommunications is integral to regional communities and local business productivity. Boyd‘s role leads local Telstra teams in the delivery of telecommunications infrastructure, network performance, customer service and media.
With over 16 years of experience across WA and the NT in regionally based General Manager roles for Telstra, Boyd will present on key telecommunications issues and opportunities to connect local business and industry in the Esperance region.
We are delighted to have Boyd for Converge 2024!
Announcing Jason Mennell, Regional Manager, The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA as a speaker at Converge 2024!
As the CME’s face on the ground for the region spanning the South West and Peel, Jason provides ongoing advocacy and support to an impressive and diverse portfolio of member companies.
A former journalist, Jason was previously deputy editor at the Kalgoorlie Miner where he spearheaded the daily masthead’s mining and political coverage, with a particular lens on The Goldfields-Esperance region.
A passionate regional advocate with wide-ranging interests, Jason sees himself as a relationship builder providing a conduit between the industry and stakeholders to help ensure the resources sector maintains a proactive, engaging and resilient relationship with its host communities.
Jason is also an ex-officio committee member of the Bunbury-Geographe Chamber of Commerce & Industry and sits on several community liaison committees within the resources sector.
Jason holds a first-class honours degree in journalism from the University of Brighton.

We are delighted to announce Peter Bednall, CEO of Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Coorporation as a speaker at Converge 2024!
Peter has a legal background having worked in private commercial practice in Western Australia and has extensive international experience working with governments and local communities in the Asia-Pacific region.
In his most recent past role, Peter was deployed by the Australian Government as a senior adviser in Papua New Guinea as part of a law and justice aid program.
We look forward to welcoming Peter to Converge 2024!
Announcing Robert Alexander, Chief Operating Officer, Southern Ports as a speaker at Converge 2024!
Robert Alexander is Southern Ports’ Chief Operating Officer, where he manages the complex operation of Southern Ports’ three busy ports at Esperance, Albany and Bunbury and a combined trade throughput of more than 35 million tonnes each year.
He oversees a 150-strong workforce in the key areas of work health, safety and security, maintenance, and marine and terminal operations across the business.
As Southern Ports’ former General Manager Port Development and with a career spanning almost two decades, Robert also has extensive experience in environmental management, advanced asset management, engineering service delivery and new capital investment infrastructure projects.
He holds a Bachelor of Environmental Science with Honours and a Master of Business Administration and is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
We are delighted to have Robert with us at Converge 2024!