Enjoy an evening featuring local music courtesy of KyzaPresents, delicious food provided by Pink Lake catering, door prizes to celebrate Small Business Day and a presentation by WA Media Personality, Tim Gossage, at the Esperance Bay Turf Club.
The winners of the following awards will be presented on the night:
Southern Ports Apprenticeship and Traineeship Award
Shire of Esperance and Australia's Golden Outback Tourism Excellence Award
Regional Development Australia Esperance and Goldfields Innovation and Excellence Award
Horizon Power Customer Service Award
Please note, online registrations have closed however if you wish to attend, please call the ECCI office on 08 9071 5142 or email admin@esperancecci.com.au.
Award nominations are now closed.
Event details:
5.30pm: Bus EAST & WEST depart (refer to timetable below)
6.00pm: Event starts (registration open from 5.45pm)
6.30pm: Acknowledgements, ECCI President Address & Guest speaker keynote
7.00pm: Dinner & networking
8.00pm: Presentation of awards and door prize
10.30pm: Bus 1 (EAST & WEST) departs
11.15pm: Bus 2 (EAST & WEST) departs
11.30pm: Event ends
Please note, timings are subject to change on the night.
Dress code: Cocktail attire
Additional event information: Dinner and refreshments are provided at no additional cost. Please ensure you have advised ECCI of any dietary requirements prior to the event.
Bus timetable: Buses will depart the following locations at the designated time. Please ensure you arrive 5-10 minutes before the bus departure time listed.
5:30PM Pink Lake IGA
5:35PM West Beach carpark
5:40PM Our Lady Star of the Sea car park (Giles Street)
5:45PM Bow Park Boat Ramp car park
5:50PM Esperance Visitor Centre
5:55PM Esperance Island View Apartments (Brazier Street)
6:00PM Arrive Turf Club
5:30PM Bunnings car park
5:35PM RAC Holiday Park (Beanbreak location)
5:40PM Castletown IGA
5:45PM Castletown Primary School along Eastern Road
5:50PM Corner Goldfields and Ormonde Street
5:55PM Dauphin Park
6:00PM Arrive Turf Club
Buses will leave Esperance Bay Turf Club at approximately 10.30pm & 11.15pm, and stop at all locations in reverse order.
Thank you to our event sponsors: